Archaeologists Find a Pharoah’s Tomb, the First Since King Tut, Egypt Says

Archaeologists have found a pharaoh’s tomb in an Egyptian valley west of Luxor, Egypt’s ministry of antiquities announced this week, in what officials called the first excavation of a royal tomb since Tutankhamen’s burial chamber was unearthed over a century ago. The newly identified tomb belonged to Thutmose II, who is believed to have reigned … Read more

In Charts: Germany’s Economy Was Once the Envy of Europe. Not Anymore

While the United States and most of the European Union have shrugged off the pandemic recession and restarted their economic engines, Germany remains idled. Its economy shrank slightly in 2024, after adjusting for rising prices. Forecasts for this year don’t look much better. And other measures look even worse. They show an economy rapidly sliding … Read more